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  • AI Crafts: How can AI foster sustainable, inclusive cities?

AI Crafts: How can AI foster sustainable, inclusive cities?

Let's delve into the profound influence of emerging technologies on the film industry and how they significantly shape our perceptions of the future.


Today, I aim to delve into the world of participatory urban planning, exploring the integration of AI and other digital tools within this crucial process.👷‍♀️

Participatory planning embodies an urban development approach that prioritizes community involvement throughout the planning stages, holding the promise of reshaping cities and their neighborhoods for the better.

At its core, participatory urban design seeks to orchestrate a transparent and democratic dialogue among three key stakeholders: the public, the planned infrastructure, and the planners themselves.

While the impact of smart technologies on urban life is often indirect, there are notable instances where their influence is directly felt. Take, for instance, Singapore, where AI language models like ChatGPT are employed to expedite various tasks for civil servants, from policy creation to citizen communication.

A computer vision system’s walk through Times Square © deepython

Another groundbreaking collaboration lies in digital twin technology, hailed as one of the most transformative innovations of the 21st century. This technology has swiftly permeated every sector of the economy, particularly in manufacturing, healthcare, and distribution. Its adoption has ushered us from incremental construction to the realm of blockchain-driven development.

As urbanization accelerates worldwide, with an anticipated 56% of the global population residing in cities, digital twins offer a revolutionary tool for city development. By harnessing data analytics, they allow policymakers to virtually simulate and refine policies, design principles, and construction methods, ultimately enriching the urban experience for residents.

Instead of relying on technology as a barometer of urban progress, I would argue that the emphasis should be on the interaction between technology and the diverse needs of a city.

Saskia Sassen

Cities, intricate ecosystems teeming with myriad facets of society and space, benefit from AI's ability to dissect and analyze each layer, facilitating evidence-based solutions.

With cities expanding rapidly to accommodate swelling populations and resource demands, AI emerges as a vital ally in crafting resilient urban solutions. Through iterative experimentation, AI empowers planners to optimize infrastructure sizing and repurposing, whether it involves redesigning public transport or engineering new pathways and public spaces.🍃
